Patrick Family Portraits San Luis Obispo

family portrait in san luis obispo palmsCheck out the Patrick Family Portraits San Luis Obispo!

I’ve known the Patrick Family for years ~ so I was stoked to take their portraits in San Luis Obispo! You may have noticed a couple of weeks back, Elise & Nic’s engagement pictures were on the blog (they’re getting married next summer); so that oughta explain the additions to the Patrick crew! It was nice to spend a little time with both of these families during the holiday season to catch up…and see the new addition (the dog).

We started our shoot out in front of Mike & Didi’s with grandma in attendance, she was all smiles. We only made it as far as across the street, but we didn’t need to go much further. The sunset was beautiful ~ and the views of Bishop Peak and Cerro San Luis are pretty stellar up there.

Enjoy the pics!

the family portrait in the backyard sloportraits of the kids and the parentsgreat pic with mom and her boys in the hills flannelmom laughs with her boys
ladies laughing together in the hills
the girls portrait in the hillsbeautiful picutre of the women with hills in backgroundthe patrick family slothe young and the restless portraitthe engaged couple with their dog in san luis obispo

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Meet the crew

Blake Andrews founded SLOtography in 2008 and now works alongside photographer James Lester, Stephen Heraldo, and videographer Robin Ayers. Together, they bring more than 10 years of experience (and serious good vibes) to weddings and events throughout San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast.

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San Luis Obispo, CA 93405


San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


Good people. Good places. Good things.


515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405


San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


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