San Luis Obispo Holiday Parade ’14 ~ “a Hula Christmas”…and the tropical weather came with the theme. Rain threatened to cancel the parade, but the SLO Downtown Association announced the parade was a go earlier in the day.
This year I had a bit different game plan; rather than just being a spectator, I was going to be on the float! That’s right, I was a part of the Hot Tub Time Machine (a classic)…when I say “Hot,” you say “tub.” Don’t ask how this float fits in with the theme…but it made it in the parade nonetheless (just in the nick of time, it was a huge effort to get this float rolling but we made it to the starting line with skis, boots & poles intact!)
Suffice to say, the parade was eclectic.
Like what you see, view the whole gallery, right here: View Gallery (and check out photos from last years’ parade: view).