Ride Ataxia NorCal 2013

Ride Ataxia NorCal 2013 was the hottest thing going this weekend in Davis! This despite 100+ degree weather! Over 400 riders set out from Davis on a hugely successful fundraiser for the Friedreich’s Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA). The funds received will continue the momentum for this cause which is already rolling pretty well.

The young and the old came out to support the cause, including about a dozen of my college buddies. Cheers to Kyle for keeping us all together; raising 100k+ to fund research for a rare disease is my kind of college reunion!


Amelie Ride Ataxia NorCal Calvin Ride Ataxia NorCal Ride-Ataxia-NorCal-Group Ride-Ataxia-NorCal-Kyle Ride-Ataxia-PicklesRide Ataxia GroupRiding in WintersTeam Awesome PicsTandem Riding Davis
Team Photo Ride Ataxia


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Meet the crew

Blake Andrews founded SLOtography in 2008 and now works alongside photographer James Lester, Stephen Heraldo, and videographer Robin Ayers. Together, they bring more than 10 years of experience (and serious good vibes) to weddings and events throughout San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast.

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515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


Good people. Good places. Good things.


515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


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