Ride Ataxia NorCal 2016

Kyle Bryant Founder

Ride Ataxia NorCal 2016 was another great success; $87k+ was raised for research grants for Friedreich’s Ataxia.  Winters, CA played host and was truly great terrain for a spin.

It’s not too late to donate: http://bit.ly/RideAtaxia_Blake


Photography (SLOtography ~ you are here)

DJ Cort and Margie Stratfull

Catering: Outback Steakhouse

Providers of Sustenance: Greg and Heidi Mazeres

Other Supporters: Brown & Caldwell ~ REATA ~ 6Fifteen Cyclery ~ Pat Kruk ~ Bicycle Medic

Full Galleries from This & Past Events: https://slotography.smugmug.com/Cure-FA

#cureFADisco SpeachKyle Bryant Speaks to AuditoriumThe Ataxian SpeaksTeam Barney '16


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Meet the crew

Blake Andrews founded SLOtography in 2008 and now works alongside photographer James Lester, Stephen Heraldo, and videographer Robin Ayers. Together, they bring more than 10 years of experience (and serious good vibes) to weddings and events throughout San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast.

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515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


Good people. Good places. Good things.


515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


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