The following post contains a few images from my latest journey to the Garden Island Kauai (Kaua’i if I’m telling the truth). Exploring the North Shore and Waimea…and a little bit of ‘talkin’ story.’
I’ve been to the Garden Island a handful of times after my dad has relocated to this slice of paradise; and I’ve been fortunate to have explored this idyllic island quite a bit…but it’s a jungle and much of the terrain remains uncharted (especially by me). One thing remains the same the same each time I venture out across the Pacific to the most remote place on earth…I chill. I set out with ambitions but they’re always thwarted by the overwhelming desire to relax…which is nice.
I spent one amazing day while on island, photographing Lianne and David’s wedding in Waimea; it was a beautiful wedding and pics will be on the blog shortly!…this “side trip” all the way around the island gave me a great excuse to explore a little more. I ventured to the Waimea Canyon where the views of the island are only rivaled by a those as seen from the sea 0r air.
Another great trip to Kaua’i ~ if you ever make your way, feel free to holler at me for advice!

the updated progress on my Dad’s pad in Kaua’i ~ the “Kilauea Round House”…pretty fresh!
BLAKE! These are beautiful 🙂
Thanks my brother! You ought to get out to Kaua’i…bring your watercolors and get wild.
Ah, that brings me back. Good stuff! Mahalo, Blake!