Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

Barrel of Red ShoesRed Heels “Walk a Mile In Her Shoes is an international movement that encourages men to march to end rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Every year, San Luis Obispo County men join the movement.” Check out the website for RISE for more info. Red Heels Proxima Parada Performs Mission Plaza Walk a Mile Signs Put Yourself in Her Shoes Love Shouldn't Hurt Sexual Assault Facts Men in Red Heels Atomic Red Team PGE The Catwalk Men in High Heels High Heel Workout for Men Walk a Mile Crowd Grizzly Academy March Against Rape

Iron Man Walks Half a Mile in Her Shoes

See, it ain’t easy to walk a mile in her shoes…even Iron Man had to take off his heels.

Dan Dow Walks a Mile in Her Shoes

District Attorney candidate, Dan Dow, walks a mile in her shoes.

Rise Staff with PGE Delta Sigma Phi and Kappa Kappa GammaDelta Sigma Pi

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Meet the crew

Blake Andrews founded SLOtography in 2008 and now works alongside photographer James Lester, Stephen Heraldo, and videographer Robin Ayers. Together, they bring more than 10 years of experience (and serious good vibes) to weddings and events throughout San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast.

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515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


Good people. Good places. Good things.


515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405




San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


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