I grew up next door to the Starr Family on Augusta St. in San Luis Obispo, with the Moyers on the other side of us…all on a private drive without a name. With a lineup like that, it’s debatably the best street in town – possibly the world. Nowadays, I’m not sure who lives on the private drive 1/2 block from Sinsheimer Elementary, but I’m sure they’re quite happy there (just not quite as cool as we were).
Fast forward a few years, and the kids I used to babysit are graduating from UCSC (Triston) and attending NYU’s music program and DJing on the side (Mackenzie). Brian & Jackie are now living in beautiful See Canyon in the home he & Jackie designed (they are quite the duo being an architect and an interior designer). Of course, the whole family decides to collect at their home around Christmastime, and they figure, let’s call up the old next-door neighbor kid to have our family portraits taken! San Luis Obispo Family portraits!