Barb+Theresa ~ Married!

same sex marriage in lompoc california ranch
About one year ago, a Missouri Circuit Court ruled that marriages between same-sex couples legally performed in other states must be respected in Missouri. Upon hearing the news, Barb+Theresa (residents of Missouri) started planning their wedding.

Barb & Theresa ventured out to their family’s barn in Lompoc, a beautiful and intimate setting for a wedding…especially one that’s over 14 years in the making! Reverend Jason Sisk-Provencio of the United Church of Christ performed the ceremony and joined in the celebration afterward, as did I! The family was incredibly gracious and welcoming ~ inviting us both to sit down and join in for the feast. After dinner, I snuck out with the newlyweds to snap a few sunset pictures and the happiness was apparent…I’m sure the wine helped a little bit too 😉

Congrats to Barb & Theresa! Another successful same sex marriage performed!lompoc ranch weddingsame sex marriage wedding ringsfall colors for table decorations at wedding receptionwedding couple before wedding ceremony at ranch venue in californiabride and bride hold hands prior to weddingbrides and their families pose for group shotbrides and their escorts down the aislebride and bride kiss wedding ceremonychildren of the brides at ranch venuebride and bride enjoy cake at ranch venueentire wedding party at ranch venue cheers

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Meet the crew

Blake Andrews founded SLOtography in 2008 and now works alongside photographer James Lester, Stephen Heraldo, and videographer Robin Ayers. Together, they bring more than 10 years of experience (and serious good vibes) to weddings and events throughout San Luis Obispo and the Central Coast.


That’s how many weddings I just counted—441 weddings I’ve had the pleasure of capturing. All time.

Starting in 2008, that’s an average of 26 weddings per year! Wow. Yes, that includes elopements. However, I’ve also calculated that, on average, I spend about six hours capturing each wedding.

For all of you who love numbers, this one’s for you. And here’s a big one:


For a long time, I had the number 500 in mind—like, “After 500, I’m out!”

At the rate I’ve been going for the last five years, I’ll hit 500 by the end of 2026.

Spoiler: I’m not retiring in 2027. That’d be no fun. So maybe 2037? I’ll lay down my camera, and I’ll…
Wedding Management: Amanda Holder Events
Venue: 4 Deer Ranch
Photography: SLOtography 
Videography: SLOtography
Rentals: All About Events
Floral Design: @lori_boe_floral 
Catering: Fire and Wine Catering
Desserts: @daisydelights
Bartending: Copper & Crystal, Bar Service
Live Music/DJ/MC: Come Alive Entertainment
Beauty: Blush & Bangs
Officiant: Marriage with Meaning
Transportation: SLO Safe Ride

#theknot #ditchthewitch #greenweddingshoes #smpweddings #soloverly

Wedding Management: @amandaholderevents
Venue: 4 Deer Ranch
Photography: @slotography + 2nd: @heraldofamilyphoto
Videography: @slotography
Rentals: @allaboutevents
Floral Design: @lori_boe_floral
Catering: @fireandwinecatering
Desserts: @daisydelights
Bartending: @copperandcrystal
Live Music/DJ/MC: @comealiveentertainment
Beauty: @blushandbangsco
Officiant: Marriage with Meaning
Transportation: slosaferide
#theknot #ditchthewitch #greenweddingshoes #smpweddings #soloverly 

Wedding Management: @amandaholderevents
Venue: 4 Deer Ranch
Photography: @slotography + 2nd: @heraldofamilyphoto
Videography: @slotography
Rentals: @allaboutevents
Floral Design: @lori_boe_floral
Catering: @fireandwinecatering
Desserts: @daisydelights
Bartending: @copperandcrystal
Live Music/DJ/MC: @comealiveentertainment
Beauty: @blushandbangsco
Officiant: Marriage with Meaning
Transportation: slosaferide
#theknot #ditchthewitch #greenweddingshoes #smpweddings #soloverly
SLOtography Wedding Photography and Videography Logo

515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405


San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


Good people. Good places. Good things.


515 Broad Street, Suite B

San Luis Obispo, CA 93405


San Luis Obispo, CA
Wedding & Event Photographer


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