About one year ago, a Missouri Circuit Court ruled that marriages between same-sex couples legally performed in other states must be respected in Missouri. Upon hearing the news, Barb+Theresa (residents of Missouri) started planning their wedding.
Barb & Theresa ventured out to their family’s barn in Lompoc, a beautiful and intimate setting for a wedding…especially one that’s over 14 years in the making! Reverend Jason Sisk-Provencio of the United Church of Christ performed the ceremony and joined in the celebration afterward, as did I! The family was incredibly gracious and welcoming ~ inviting us both to sit down and join in for the feast. After dinner, I snuck out with the newlyweds to snap a few sunset pictures and the happiness was apparent…I’m sure the wine helped a little bit too 😉
Congrats to Barb & Theresa! Another successful same sex marriage performed!